The eon of the eevee warriors
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Fireclan info

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Fireclan info Empty Fireclan info

Post by Blossomstar Tue Oct 07, 2014 11:54 pm

Fireclan pokemon are usually have hot and short tempers and are fierce figthers. Fireclan pokemon are usually a bit self-centered and argonant and very prideful. Though the are very noble and stick to the warrior code and shun those who don't follow it. Some might wonder how the eevee can walk on the ground when they aren't fire proof like flareon, well to adapt to the harsh enviorment they ahve devoloped hard pads and thinner fur than most eevees this allows them to keep themselves cooler and not feel the burning heat on their feet. Flareon can walk through lava here but only for a short amount of time, after awhile the lava can burn them, but some flareon on fire proof enough to be in the lava up to 30 minutes!


Posts : 30
Join date : 2014-09-01

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